- Multiple character animations for website "top of page" banners
20 to 40 seconds each, these banners show many versions of the clients logo brought to life and going about various tasks - Depending on the "Room" they are in.
- Animated GIF's for website Been tasks with supplying "many" animated creatures for a client for another website - Just finished this one, they wanted 20... I gave them 27 :)
- Tattoo Video production We filmed a friend getting a Tattoo done and are currently editing that footage. He wanted all the swearing to be edited out with animal noises - having a bit of fun with this one.
- On-Going YouTube video editing for a client 3Ative is helping one our clients with various filming and editing problems they are having. This includes, checking footage, small editing and clip fixing and on-line support and training via Skype
- Producing Art + intro for YouTube channels Another client wants to set up a music based YouTube channel and we have been asked to do all artwork and intro clips.
- New Start-up company art This project is for: A company Logo design, Artwork of Ad boards, Vehicle sign design and soon a full website. We may also be producing an info video and some promo videos for this client
- On-going 1-to-1 training and help, via Skype (Multiple clients) Every project and work we do, we are always 'there' for follow ups and continuing on-line support... Our Preferred channels are Skype and Facebook - As well as telephone and email.
Studio life at 3ATIVE. News and posts relating to the work we do, some behind the scenes stuff and our newest adventure: Making and training Home Assistant home/studio automation.
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Current Projects and more vlog news
Sunday, 10 January 2016
2016 More Busy, Busy... Oh and Busy
2016 has started quite nicely, thank you and it's good to be back.
Plenty of projects carried over from last year, in particular a ton of logo character animations - the favourite work.
Unfortunately, most of which can't be discussed at this time. However, a lot has been learned and the animation skill set is increasing all the time... spurred on by some very encouraging and positive feedback. Onwards & upwards.
Got a request to do a website today. While not the usual type of work 3Ative takes on. We are happy to help local start-ups with their online presents. More news on that when the time comes but, for the moment, it's all secrets lol
Our vlogs will start soon... Yes, yes, yes - you've heard that before but, there's not been much down time lately. In between producing animation or videos, time has been spent designing them, oh and some sleep! :)
Plus, the search for a 'good' microphone continues - Too many to choose from, with loads turning out to be knockoffs!!
So exciting times and long hours (with little sleep) ahead - Just the way we like it !
... And as always - thanks for reading. X