2016 has started quite nicely, thank you and it's good to be back.
Plenty of projects carried over from last year, in particular a ton of logo character animations - the favourite work.
Unfortunately, most of which can't be discussed at this time. However, a lot has been learned and the animation skill set is increasing all the time... spurred on by some very encouraging and positive feedback. Onwards & upwards.
Got a request to do a website today. While not the usual type of work 3Ative takes on. We are happy to help local start-ups with their online presents. More news on that when the time comes but, for the moment, it's all secrets lol
Our vlogs will start soon... Yes, yes, yes - you've heard that before but, there's not been much down time lately. In between producing animation or videos, time has been spent designing them, oh and some sleep! :)
Plus, the search for a 'good' microphone continues - Too many to choose from, with loads turning out to be knockoffs!!
So exciting times and long hours (with little sleep) ahead - Just the way we like it !
... And as always - thanks for reading. X
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